Can nudges, tailored to personality traits, persuade retirees to wait?
It’s generally a positive in both cultures, but buy-in is more tentative in China
Some data shows competing against the platform can help sellers, if not consumers
Disregarding data, novices often sail into strong winds
At one bank, the cumulative effect of male bonding accounts for 39% of the gender pay gap
Alternative vaccination points, the curious case of improved sales forecasts and an overlooked stock-price predictor
Intoxication seems to work as an unofficial mitigating factor
How 934 workers around the globe regard their labor; it doesn’t have to be this way
Sharing the technology’s weak work product negatively influences the quality of its output going forward
Successful projects suggest a more thorough cataloging of how “vividness” nudges can help us delay gratification
Digital identity used in nearly every realm of life
Including intangible assets in book value vastly improves the strategy’s returns
Do investors misprice assets, revise their risk appetite or make some other misjudgment?
Claiming victimhood of a different sort — say, concerning free speech — seen as more effective in silencing criticism