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Sepia photo of four farmers Research Brief / Gender Gap

A History of Plough-Based Farming Leads to Fewer Girls

Modern-day gender ratios are linked to countries’ agricultural roots

Illustration of a man looking at a carrot while a magnet opens his head Research Brief / Nudges

Behavioral Economics: Are Nudges Cost-Effective?

A team of experts makes the financial case that governments should spend more on nudging

Illustration of a man stressed by laptops, smartphones Research Brief / Investing

How Tech’s Disruption Alters Investors’ Appetite for Risk

New technology’s upending of the old creates demand for alternative assets to offset risk

Tennis player Nick Kyrgios Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

In Adversity, Some High Performers Give Up Rather than Dig In

The world of tennis sheds light on a potential downside to office ranking systems

Street signs Research Brief / Interest Rates

Are Interest Rates Really So Low?

Adjusting for inflation — and, crucially, for taxes — shows bond investors fare better than they might think

Illustration of hands raised in blue, with one hand colored red Feature / Politics

Campaign Contributions Swayed by Neighbors’ Politics

A field experiment using public donation data indicates peer pressure matters

Computer model of chromosomes unwinding Feature / Health Care

BRCA Mutation: New Model Quantifies How Surgeries Reduce Cancer Risk

Informed by personal experience, a researcher parses data to help those mulling mastectomy and gynecological surgeries

Woman with a laptop and smartphone Research Brief / Retirement Planning

Thinking Small Could Deliver Bigger Retirement Success for Gig Workers

Daily, weekly and monthly contribution schemes gauge behavior

Illustration of workers pedaling to power a computer Research Brief / Sustainability

Green Initiatives — By Themselves — Won’t Boost Productivity

Environmentally conscious companies that also instill teamwork and quality enjoy higher output

Illustration of a man skiing Research Brief / Compensation

Corporate Bosses, Given Fewer Stock Options, Turn Risk-Averse

Research might give pause to corporate boards changing compensation models

Hand sanitizer dispenser Feature / Health Care

Hospital Hand-Washing: The Limits of Electronic Monitoring

The anti-infection procedure rises for a time, when workers are watched, and then falls off

Illustration of a balance Research Brief / Investing

How Very Small Stocks Skew Investing Wisdom

Well-known market anomalies are largely absent among the biggest stocks

Illustration of a man and woman in business attire Research Brief / Workplace

Mobile Workers More Likely to Cold-Shoulder a Dishonest Co-Worker

Research compares U.S. behavior to norms in Asia

Women Unite protest Research Brief / Gender Gap

Perceived Gender Equity: How 2016’s Election Widened a Gap

How vote outcomes affect feelings about society

Illustration of one person pointing, another sitting, and wearing a tie with a briefcase Research Brief / Workplace

Bystanders Are Tougher than Victims in Punishing Office Misbehavior

Research looks beyond management to measure how co-workers police each other

Chinese investors having a discussion Research Brief / Investing

In China, Big Investors Have Brilliant Timing ― Or Do They Know Someone?

A scan of a million brokerage accounts finds the wealthy trade ahead of market-moving news