Topic: Gender

Two students using a computer Research Brief / Education

Gender Gaps in School Performance

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

Two hands push medication out of a green plastic container Research Brief / Health

Free Birth Control, Fewer Births

Unintended pregnancies decline when copays and patient fees are eliminated

Female driver looking back to the rear of her car Research Brief / Gender

Economics of Women-Driver Ride Hailing

Other safety measures are easier to implement, but research suggests how female driver pool could be increased

Research Brief / Gender

Downplaying Femininity in Cover Letters for Male-Dominated Job Backfires

Omitting female-typical language, in the eyes of hiring managers, makes a woman less ‘likable’

An out of foucs image of a female in a conference room with windows Research Brief / Gender Gap

Do the Benefits of Pay Transparency Accrue Mostly to Employers?

Revealed compensation might motivate workers to do more, without a raise

A photo illustration of the American flag with a crack through it and the Capitol building overlaid and a red filter over the entire image. Research Brief / Politics

Cultural Polarization Isn’t New — But Its Alignment With Political Divisions Is

A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war

Research Brief / Gender

COVID-19 Tactics Varied by Gender Among Brazilian Mayors Running for Reelection

Notable differences in death rates; it appears candidates factored in voter gender bias

A white woman dressed in black sits in a chair while people walk behind her. Research Brief / Gender

Career Mentoring Default — Women for Women — Altered by Quality Data

A well-intentioned best practice, gender matching might not be optimal

Coworkers at a bar talking Research Brief / Gender Gap

All Along the Pipeline, Men Promote Men

At one bank, the cumulative effect of male bonding accounts for 39% of the gender pay gap

Khasi Women holding vegetables and smiling Research Brief / Gender

Age-Old Cultural Norms Dictate Gender Roles Even Today

Looking beyond traditional explanations

Sepia photo of four farmers Research Brief / Gender Gap

A History of Plough-Based Farming Leads to Fewer Girls

Modern-day gender ratios are linked to countries’ agricultural roots

A firefighter in gear carries a fire hose as they walk past a fire truck Research Brief / Management

A Bottom-Up, Instead of Top-Down, Path Away from Sexist Bosses

Encouraging the rank-and-file to value feminine traits reduces the implicit endorsement of a biased supervisor

Collage of Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK Research Brief / Gender

#MeToo: Company Responses to Harassment Claims Can Mitigate Reputation Damage

New research looks beyond attitudes toward specific executives accused of harassment to focus on people’s perceptions of corporatewide gender culture.