Topic: Generational Issues

Line of bananas in order of ripeness Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Gesturing Left to Right for Passage of Time Occurs by Age 6

Cultural norms — reading and the calendar — affect native English-speakers’ motioning constructs

Four individuals sitting side by side at a dinner table, laughing and smiling Research Question / Nudges

How to — and How Not to — Message Older Americans

Practitioners often ignore decades of progress in understanding what works

A portrait of King Charles II of Spain. The image depicts the king's Habsburg Jaw. Research Brief / Leadership

Leadership Matters: Countries Suffered Under Poor Quality Monarchs

Measuring inbreeding allows study to isolate rulers from circumstances

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Aug 2020 Quiz

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Row boat stranded on the beach at low tied Research Brief / Economy

The Relative Well-Being of Generations: An Explanation for Falling Interest Rates?

Doing worse than mom and dad is a drag on the entire economy

Monochrome picture of people disembarking a ship Feature / Politics

The Long-Term Political Influence of Immigrants

Europeans brought an appreciation of social welfare programs that still resonates

People in line outside the Bank of China Research Brief / Cultural History

Culture Affects How People Save Money

Immigrants show saving tendencies that carry through several generations

Collage of women forming a larger image of a woman Research Brief / Cultural History

Using Ancestral Characteristics to Study Modern Economics

A database of pre-industrial sampling supports historical and ethnographic research

Monochrome picture of children cheering Research Brief / Investing

When Younger Investors Overreact to News, Others Feel It

Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets