Topic: Strategy

A group of various pregnancy test lies on a table Research Brief / Politics

Post-Dobbs, Abortion Views Seem Unchanged — with One Exception

Bans with no exceptions for rape, incest or a mother’s health are increasingly unpopular

An illustration of a woman pulling a suitcase as she walks toward her ride share. Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Surge Pricing’s Benefits Go to a Subset of Ride-Hailing Drivers

Full-timers gain the least, part-time drivers the most

Split screen of fake lemon on the left and real lemon on the right. Research Brief / E-commerce

To Spot Fake Online Reviews, Target the Reviewers

A test was 93% accurate; more efficient than analyzing reviews

A view of a petrochemical plant at night Research Brief / Competition

Sunk Costs Work as Barrier to Exit

Firms endure losses in hopes of a turnaround

A photo of a merge sign Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Unvarnished Merger Talk: Will This Deal Help Us Raise Prices?

Customer loyalty, barriers to entry and other factors at play

Workers in a factory Research Brief / Management

Cause and Effect in the Complex World of Corporate Decision Making

As with scientific research, it’s hard to distinguish correlation from causation

A young man wearing a blue shirt plays a game on his cellphone Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

What Drives Engagement in $116 Billion Mobile Gaming Industry

Novelty and social connection boost time spent playing

A crowd of people holding numbered range bidding paddles Research Brief / Strategy

What Causes Overbidding in Auctions?

Does it come down to poor valuations or poor strategy?

A white clock on a black background that is dissolving on the right side Research Brief / Data Analytics

Deciding When to Decide Can Lead to Better Outcomes

An interpretable model versus black-box algorithms for complex decision making

Woman with headphones stands in crosswalk Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

The Connective Pull of Headphones

We literally feel closer to someone we’re hearing via headphones

A metal trash can containing four wadded up pieces of paper Research Brief / Investing

46 Possible Stock Market Strategies from Academics Get a Retest

We won’t call it debunking, but not all investing tips hold up

Collage of trademark symbols Research Question / Investing

Underappreciated Investment Edge: Company Trademark Filings

Not part of financial reporting, trademark activity predicts stock returns

Research Brief / Corporate Investment

A Skeptical Board Can Protect Shareholders From an Empire-Building CEO

Director expertise disciplines CEO into providing better information

Two opposing co-ed teams play a game of soccer Research Brief / Gender Gap

Opting Women into Competition Could Help Narrow Gender Gap

Fixing the process and abandoning the mindset of ‘fixing the women’

Queue of disgruntled people waiting in line for a bank teller Research Brief / Nudges

We Hate Crowds, But Fail to Strategize on Avoiding Them

When might most other people choose to visit the bank?

Man sits on a chair and ponders Research Question / Education

Lifelong Decisions Based on a Momentary Mood

Fatigue during a morning class dissuades some from rewarding majors