Christopher Poliquin
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Christopher Poliquin’s research interests lie at the intersection of technology, organizational design and strategy, including the effect of tech adoption on wages and the determinants of firm hierarchy in startups. Other work, widely picked up in the media, has examined the factors that affect gun policy and its impact on violence.

7 Articles

Consumer Backlash to CEO Advocacy: Signaling or Act of Conscience?
An experiment seeks to isolate motivation and raises concerns for outspoken corporate leaders

Complexity Begets Management Layers: How Some Small Firms Avoid That
Overlapping tasks among workers well acquainted with each other reduce the need for managers

In a Boom, Incumbent Firms Can Redeploy Workers to Rapidly Expand
Startups lack bench strength, a disadvantage in tight labor markets

CEOs Risk Alienating Customers with High-Profile Activism
Taking a stand on controversial issues can hurt sales, but the effect is brief

How Diversified Companies Can Redeploy Workers to Enable Growth
Experienced hands help new business lines find their way

The Odd History of Gun Legislation Following Mass Shootings
GOP legislatures often made firearm laws looser after infamous events

New Technology Lifted Pay, Especially for the Bosses
Top executives saw much larger gains after broadband adoption than the workers below them