Area: Behavioral Decision Making

Illustration of a house, cap, rings, car keys, baby crib Feature / Nudges

Behavioral Nudges Timed to Certain Days are Effective Motivator

Dates of milestones — major and minor — can spur us to action

Bored teens at a movie theater Research Brief / Education

Awards as Incentives: Sometimes They Backfire

Seeking to improve school attendance, researchers learn how some students think

High speed view in a tunnel Feature / Investing

At Last, the Momentum Investing Puzzle Solved?

The simplest explanation — “I can’t believe you know something I don’t” — may trump all the rest

Research Question / Happiness

As Income Rises, Link Between Meaning and Happiness Weakens

Globally, lower-income people feel a stronger connection

A black and orange detour sign on a fance. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Another Political Trick? Inducing Forgetting By Mentioning Irrelevant Information

Positive views on, say, a social policy are more easily suppressed than negative ones

Illustrations of a timeline Feature / Time

An Aerial, as Opposed to Ground-Level, View of Time

A novel framework proposes to reduce angst over schedules and lives

Illustration of people as wind-up toys Research Brief / Retirement

Americans Sacrifice $3.4 Trillion by Claiming Social Security Too Soon

Can nudges, tailored to personality traits, persuade retirees to wait?

A close-up image of the bronze Lady Justice statue Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Alcohol Use and Violent Crime: a 36% Shorter Sentence

Intoxication seems to work as an unofficial mitigating factor

Hero image of a bar graph with excitedness decreasing with age as peaceful happiness increases Research Brief / Happiness

Age-Old Question: What Makes You Happy?

We define happiness differently as we age

Book Review / Happiness

A Method to Happiness: Tested in the Lab and in Life

Cassie Holmes’ book combines social science and personal history; jilted on the way to the altar

Five open doors in various colors on a hilly grass expanse. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Why We Think Differently About Money Than About Probabilities

Learning gradually versus all at once and how we estimate value