Author: canderson

Driver looking at Uber app on his smartphone Research Brief / Uber Surge Pricing

How Uber Could Avoid That Notorious $362.57 Fare

A mathematical model analyzes incentives underlying surge-pricing schemes

Protest outside the White House Feature / Behavioral Economics

How to Harness Individual Outrage for Lasting Social Change

A practical guide to enlisting, mobilizing and continually engaging like-minded people

Illustration of a man stressed by laptops, smartphones Research Brief / Investing

How Tech’s Disruption Alters Investors’ Appetite for Risk

New technology’s upending of the old creates demand for alternative assets to offset risk

Illustration of a woman with reflection of line chart going up Research Brief / Investing

How an Excess of Stock Analyst Optimism Lands on Companies Least Deserving of It

Results of financially weak firms are difficult to forecast; in uncertainty, Wall Street’s views are overly generous

Silhouette of biker near a power plant with smoke stack Research Brief / Sustainability

Household Energy Conservation: Appeal to Cost Savings or Environmental and Health Impacts?

Money-saving messages lose impact over time, while worry about dangerous pollution helps consumers show discipline

A family eating at the dinner table Research Brief / Politics

Holiday Meals Shortened by Political Divide

Cell phone location data and local voting records measure discord

Illustration of the word NOW Research Brief / Happiness

Happiness and Living in the Moment: Westerners Haven’t Quite Put Them Together Yet

Asians, more than Americans and Europeans, make a point of experiencing joy in the short term

Illustration of German rebels Research Brief / Cultural History

German Rebels Who Helped Lincoln Win the Civil War: A Natural Experiment in Leadership

Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.

A group of people on separate phone lines Research Brief / Markets

Financial Constraints on Intermediaries Cause Asset Mispricing

Real-world bond data reveals how the capital positions and liquidity of middlemen affect prices of securities they broker

Shelf of food and television Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

Examining the Difference Between Quality and Taste in Consumer Preferences

Laptops and TVs are based on quality, fast food and soda on taste; but some buyers defy these models, and it’s an opportunity for marketers

Illustration of two men talking Research Brief / Investing

Do Fair Disclosure Rules Lead to More or Less Information?

Managers, forced to inform a broader audience, choose not to gather information even for themselves

Workers stretching at their desk Research Brief / Workplace

Do Corporate Wellness Programs Boost Worker Productivity?

Industrial laundry gains 4% output; better health and better feelings toward employer could account for increase

Pharmacists preparing perscriptions Feature / Health Care

Curbing Over-Prescription of Antibiotics: Ranking Clinicians Is a Nudge That Sticks

Peer ranking might cut dangerous antibiotic overuse

International students with Chinese and French flags Research Brief / Education

Cultures That Delay Gratification: Their Immigrants to the U.S. Excel in School

The benefit to students increases over time

Strawberry fields with a train in the background Research Brief / Sustainability

Crop Choices: How Price Supports Can Contribute to Healthier Diets

Well-designed subsidies can help farmers and give consumers better food choices

Stack of papers in folders Research Brief / Home Mortgages

Clues to the Market When Mortgage Originators Delay Securitization

With high-quality borrowers hard to judge from afar, Alt-A market offers quiet signal on creditworthiness