A strong currency makes U.S. exports harder to sell, even outside of China
But the “persistence gap” in seeking elective office narrows with experience
Aligning people’s idea of a firefighter with the range of work and skills actually required might reduce gender bias
A listening-and-learning approach is more welcome than professing color-blindness
Greater subsidies aren’t enough: Lowering the complexity of enrollment is needed to bring more and healthier people into the market
New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely
People across studies want to change their lives, but are more inclined to do that in the distant future
Cost burdens affect half of U.S. households that rent, as housing shortage worsens
A model focuses on startups that, while developing innovative products, seek a lucrative buyout
Membership in a stigmatized group doesn’t predispose acceptance of other stigmatized groups
A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time
Perceived differences between “diverse” and “sufficiently diverse”
Can nudges, tailored to personality traits, persuade retirees to wait?
Personal beliefs, especially among the less educated, often outweigh actual data
Should tax-collecting agencies keep audit activity secret to discourage cheating?