Author: kmenke

Shopping cart on white background. Research Brief / Pricing

When Surge Pricing Comes to the Supermarket

Charging more at peak times could reduce congestion and lift profits. Would customers revolt?

Senior woman talks with a female doctor in the doctor's office. Research Brief / Health Care

When Medicare Pays, Drug Companies Employ Older Subjects in Clinical Trials

The shift lends credibility to medicines vs. trials that exclude people 65 and older

Forklift in a warehouse Research Brief / Manufacturing

When Manufacturers Commence Exporting, They Become More Efficient

Looking at costs, in a sample of 5,000 plants in Chile, remarkable productivity gains occur

Astronaut performing a space walk Research Brief / Operations

When Logistics Go into Orbit

Researchers are considering the challenges of new space industries

Blurry image of a document that has redaction Research Brief / Banking

When Lenders Put a Muzzle on Borrowers

Companies hide from shareholders information about loans — more than likely to appease banks

A man shopping for soap Research Brief / Marketing

When It Pays Not to Help Your Customers Comparison Shop

Rakesh Sarin creates a model that shows consumer “ambiguity” about product quality should drive marketing and brand management strategy

A crowd of people with their backs facing the viewer Research Question / Investing

When Individuals Concentrate in a Stock, Earnings Surprises Play Out Differently

Price movements can be more extreme

Lehman Brothers building on September 15 Research Brief / Investing

When Financial Intermediaries Sneeze, These Assets Catch a Cold

Some investment vehicles are more reliant than others on the health of trading firms

Illustration of hands holding paddles with thumbs up or down Research Brief / Nudges

When Feedback Backfires and When It Works

Over- or underperformer? Responses vary widely

Ebola tent Research Brief / Health Care

When Ebola Strikes, Where Should Help Go?

Improving epidemic forecasting helps response teams target aid more effectively

Illustration of binoculars Research Brief / Marketing

When Does the Future Begin?

Believing it arrives sooner leads people to, well, prepare for it

Dusty wine bottles on a rack Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

When Delayed Gratification Backfires

A self-imposed quest for a perfect time to enjoy an indulgence often means missing out on actually having a good experience

Strawberry doughnut with sprinkles Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

When a Mistake Isn’t

Decision making research may sometimes rush to judgment


Whatever Your Business Problem, There’s Research to Assist You

Avoiding crowds, crafting cover letters and choosing a major at West Point

Illustration of a manga cartoon Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

What’s in Your Social Media Feed?

On anime sites, what one’s friends are watching is the most persuasive prompt to engage

A small, medium and large cup of black coffee each in a white cup on a white saucer Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

What’s Behind the Consumer Preference for the Middle Ground

Capturing how decisions are driven by a habitual preference for moderation