Content Type: Research Brief

LED stock market ticker Research Brief / Stock Returns

Low-Quality Earnings: The Uncoupling of Stock Price from Fundamentals

Studying Chinese A and B shares reveals investor uncertainty

A family eating at the dinner table Research Brief / Politics

Holiday Meals Shortened by Political Divide

Cell phone location data and local voting records measure discord

Road marking - One Way with snow Research Brief / Investing

Bringing a Sharper Focus to the Study of the Decline of Investment Diversification

Research measures the impact of global economic factors on returns

A laptop computer Research Brief / Housing

When Homeowners Confide in Google, Forecasters See Clues to Mortgage Defaults

Researchers developed an index that warns earlier than others about approaching home loan problems

Meeting in a boardroom Research Brief / Gender Gap

You Have Women on Your Board? Gender Inequality and the Choices of Foreign Fund Manager

How investment data and country rankings correlate on treatment of women

Home with an auction sign on the lawn Research Brief / Home Mortgages

Some Homeowners Pay Their Underwater Mortgages Until the Government Offers a Better Option

Federal loan modification program led borrowers to default

A woman with a lantern Research Brief / Supply Chain

Shining a Light on the Development Supply Chain

Field researchers constructed a model to subsidize essential goods for low-income communities in crisis, and profit in recovery

Two males looking at a computer screen Research Brief / Leadership

Quantifying Team Leadership Approaches: To Do, or to Direct Others?

In a field often ruled by personality, a rational model is proposed

Hero image of a bar graph with excitedness decreasing with age as peaceful happiness increases Research Brief / Happiness

Age-Old Question: What Makes You Happy?

We define happiness differently as we age

A man fly fishing Research Brief / Social Responsibility

Instilling Ownership Feelings Leads to Greater Care of Common Resources

Research could assist stewardship of public lands

Illustration of German rebels Research Brief / Cultural History

German Rebels Who Helped Lincoln Win the Civil War: A Natural Experiment in Leadership

Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.

Vending machine Research Brief / Uber Surge Pricing

Beyond Uber: When Surge Pricing Makes Business Sense

Research seeks to predict how time-based price discrimination might spread

Clean operating room Research Brief / Health Care

Two-Tier Pricing: Reducing Risk for ACOs and Specialist Practices

Higher prices for the first few procedures, followed by a volume discount, may help balance risks and rewards

Driver looking at Uber app on his smartphone Research Brief / Uber Surge Pricing

How Uber Could Avoid That Notorious $362.57 Fare

A mathematical model analyzes incentives underlying surge-pricing schemes

Monochrome photo of soldiers marching Research Brief / Cultural History

Bowling for Fascism: Exploring the Dark Side of Social Capital

In pre-World War II Germany, sports clubs became a vehicle to spread Nazism

Screen grab of bank website Research Brief / Mortgage Lending

Local-Level Mortgage Lending: How Competition Pushes Rates Higher, Not Lower

A study finds unexpected impact when a disruptive player enters market