Placing an inferior ‘decoy’ option in a menu of choices can trigger people to take their business elsewhere
Building adaptability into an approach improves performance
In connection with funding, typically; those chasing money abroad tend to raise a lot more of it
In LA, doctors who lose a patient to opioid overdose get a letter from the coroner; tweaking that letter had a substantial impact
Starting with your future self and looking back to your current self increases likelihood of saving
The ethics of asking brain surgery patients to allow unrelated research while on the operating table
The shift lends credibility to medicines vs. trials that exclude people 65 and older
A team of experts makes the financial case that governments should spend more on nudging
And, for that matter, emergency room doctors, recession birthrates and job markets in which employers don’t compete much
What emerges is a fragmented view of corporate contribution to global warming
A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications
It’s worse in conservative neighborhoods and good reviews don’t help enough
As it stands, they’re free-riding, in effect subsidized by full-time resident taxpayers
Advice for researchers aims to help improve both data collection and its interpretation
SEC encourages graphics in disclosures, but this practice may help executives more than shareholders
Investing on margin, a nudge to jump-start retirement savings, how ad agencies lost their 15% commission