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Two women having a conversation Research Brief / Bias

Confront on One Prejudice — and Reduce Overall Bigotry

Whites reprimanded for using a Black stereotype express fewer biases about Latinx people and women

Two people at a shared open office space sitting on red rubber balls Research Brief / Workplace

Working for a Startup Depresses Long-Term Earnings

The most lucrative career paths avoid young, small firms

Illustration of doctors and nurses with outlines of missing people Feature / Health Care

Private Equity Boosts Nursing Home Staffing — When Compelled by Competition

But in uncompetitive markets, the financial owners cut staff

Employee checks on industrial equipment in a plant Feature / Management

A Model Could Help Food Processors Operate More Efficiently

Managing production with the declining potency of a catalyst

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Oct 2020 Quiz

Snap Quiz — This Is for Extra Credit

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

Industrial looms Research Brief / Productivity

Amid Technology Boom, Where Are Productivity Gains?

19th-century French cotton mills suggest halting, uneven progress

View of a hurricane from space Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Amid Unfounded ‘Hurricane Skepticism,’ Trump Voters Were Less Likely to Evacuate

Only after a Rush Limbaugh broadcast did evacuation rates diverge politically

Wal-Mart giftcard Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Gift Cards: When Versatility Is a Drawback

Cards redeemable only at a favorite store beat adding a second, less-loved retailer

Nursing home at night - looking through multiple windows Feature / COVID-19

Medicare Ratings Didn’t Predict Nursing Homes’ Initial COVID-19 Vulnerability

Rate of spread in the surrounding community was a bigger indicator of risk

Store shelf full of Coke, Canadian Dry, Sprite and other sodas Research Brief / Taxes

Philadelphia’s Soda Tax Is Nearly Perfect for Maximizing Revenue

It’s less successful at curbing consumption so buyers shop outside the city

Cans of Ayam Brand tuna Research Brief / Retail

A Smaller Middle Class Means Less Variety on Grocery Shelves

Researchers compare income disparity by county to product availability

Empty western town with a tumble weed rolling across the main street Research Brief / Social Capital

Populism Blossoms Where Community Connectedness Is Lower

Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital

Workers in a garment factory sewing Research Brief / Supply Chain

How Brands Can Anticipate Unauthorized Subcontracting of Apparel Manufacturing

A model predicts with 80% accuracy which orders get handed off

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Aug 2020 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Then on to Our Zoom Lecture

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

A farm on the prairie with one side dry Research Brief / Public Policy

Ownership Structure of Tribal Land Exacts a Multibillion-Dollar Penalty

Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it

LA Times homepage as seen on a computer desktop monitor Research Brief / Advertising

Why the Online Ad World Abandoned Soft-Floor Auctions

Complexity and a failure to boost platform revenue were culprits