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Chocolate truffles in a display case Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

How Much We Value Something Increases Our Patience

Delayed gratification isn’t just about willpower

An image of the national debt amount Research Brief / Debt

How Much Debt Can the Government Roll Over Forever?

Public bonds compete against other investments; a model of that relationship

Handmade leather sandals, isolated on white background. Research Brief / E-commerce

How Many Pairs of Sandals Would You Look at Online?

On your phone, about 20. How retailers can best harvest sales from those glances


How Long Does a Humanitarian Crisis Last?

How to spot fake online reviews and the relationship between herding cultures and violence

Illustration of a map Research Brief / Cultural History

How Local Governance Came to England’s Economy

Nico Voigtländer found that to combat arbitrary taxes and corruption, merchants persuaded the king to cede control

New York Met Life building Research Brief / Investing

How Life Insurers Insulate the Markets from Turmoil

Valentin Haddad’s research finds that insurers’ patient investing shields risky assets — and those who hold them — from steeper declines

Produce section of a grocery store with people pushing carts in both aisles Research Brief / Supply Chain

How Grocery Co-Ops Fit into the Competitive Landscape

Do for-profit supermarket chains tolerate higher-priced co-ops?

Building in ruble while emergency workers recover a body Research Brief / Manufacturing

How Fashion Brands Can Best Ensure Worker Safety in Developing Nations

Collective action, rather than each brand working alone, appears more effective and costs less

A sleeping baby wrapped in a white blanket wearing a black graduation cap with a red tasle Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

How Far Would You Go for an Ivy League Kid?

Study finds interest in screening embryos for education propensity, especially if everyone else is doing it

Illustration of a man looking at a stock chart Research Brief / Corporate Investment

How ETFs Muffle Stock Market Feedback to Managers

The rise of passive investing leaves companies mistrusting market signals on how best to deploy capital

Workers peer over a coworker's cubicle Research Brief / Competition

How Established Firms Get Disrupted by Allies

Suppliers, distributers, product extenders go from helper to competitor

An exterior night shot of a Dollar General store. Research Brief / Retail

How Dollar Stores Contribute to Food Deserts

Expanding chains drive out independent grocers, reduce access to fresh produce


How Do Cashless Payment Systems Impact a Developing Economy?

Also: income tax refugees from California, where to find the next CEO and inviting older people into clinical trials

Cartoon of large watering can watering workers like plants Research Brief / Operations

How Diversified Companies Can Redeploy Workers to Enable Growth

Experienced hands help new business lines find their way

Research Brief / International Trade

How Companies in Big Cities Out-Export Those in Smaller Ones

Measure of export intensity raises questions about trade policy and housing restrictions

Map of Peru with gold nugget on top Research Brief / Banking

How Commodity Price Swings Destabilize Bank Relationships

Small firms in Peru shop nationwide for cheap credit, but loyalty runs two ways