How investment data and country rankings correlate on treatment of women
Cell phone location data and local voting records measure discord
How vote outcomes affect feelings about society
New research looks beyond attitudes toward specific executives accused of harassment to focus on people’s perceptions of corporatewide gender culture.
If the boss is your friend, and compensation decisions are public, a bonus you’d get on merit might not be forthcoming
Unpublished research shows avoiding the extremes is a common approach marketers need to address
It’s not just sheep — even go-getters can be susceptible when they feel less in control
Employing a distinct part of the brain, they’re better at imagining a distant future and seeing others’ points of view
A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl
Video from officer-worn cameras is judged less negatively than footage captured on dashboard cameras
How we interpret time-series data is dependent on the designer’s chosen format
Analysis of 15 years of Wikipedia editors’ chatter reveals women of rank don’t shrink from controversial topics
By age 10 or earlier, kids are putting more weight on the future than the past — just like adults
They do, but only when facing a competitive election contest
In experiments, immorality and harm are deemed more extreme merely because an act was punished
Perceived differences between “diverse” and “sufficiently diverse”