Topic: Corporate Finance

Jay Powell Research Brief / Markets

Corporate Bond Market Meltdown Averted after Fed Action

Decade-old bank-risk limits may have exacerbated liquidity problems

Blurry image of a document that has redaction Research Brief / Banking

When Lenders Put a Muzzle on Borrowers

Companies hide from shareholders information about loans — more than likely to appease banks

Digital map Research Brief / Markets

Does Better Corporate Disclosure Boost Markets?

Stronger financial reporting standards seem to mean more for growth of countries’ credit markets than their stock markets

Illustration of a man cooking books in a pot Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Upside Earnings Surprise Issued Late: Signal of Possible Manipulation

Companies that take longer than expected to announce results may be buying time for accounting tricks

Politicians looking at a report Feature / Government

Might More Lobbying Groups, Rather than Fewer, Be Good for Industry and the Public?

Make the influence industry more competitive, a theoretical study suggests

Illustration of two arms shaking hands with skyscrapers in the middle Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

In Some Industries, Are Corporate Combinations Actually Good for Consumers?

A model focuses on startups that, while developing innovative products, seek a lucrative buyout

Illustration of vultures sitting on a sign in a city Research Brief / Debt

Less Leveraged Than the Competition: Ready to Snag Distressed Assets in a Recession

When bad times hit, highly indebted companies often have to sell operations and equipment at fire-sale prices

Illustration of a tower taller than city buildings Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Forgoing a Tax Refund to Signal Brightening Financial Prospects

Companies that use loss carry-forwards to offset future tax liability, instead of claiming a refund, enjoy favorable lending terms

Bar and line chart Research Brief / Corporate Finance

What Drives LBO Fever? More Than Just Cheap Loans

Private equity investors weigh the total cost of capital — not just debt, but equity as well — when pursuing buyouts

Street sign with Past, Present, Future and collage of bond certificates Research Brief / Bond Market

With Bonds, the Past Can Be Prologue

Patterns in corporate bond returns include abrupt short-term performance reversals and “momentum” waves that persist

FDIC logo on a window Research Brief / Banking

Calculating a Value for the Government Support Banks Enjoy

Researchers’ model could quantify the risks in the growing movement to ease up on Dodd-Frank regulations

Closeup shot of newspapers Research Brief / Finance

Does Big News Drown Out Corporate Earnings Disclosures?

Henry Friedman’s research finds, surprisingly, that major economic news actually heightens attention paid to company announcements

Inverted image of a calculator Research Brief / Taxes

Boo! Does Merely Mentioning an Audit Increase Taxpayer Compliance?

Research undermines the notion that companies coldly calculate tax avoidance

LED stock market ticker Research Brief / Stock Returns

Low-Quality Earnings: The Uncoupling of Stock Price from Fundamentals

Studying Chinese A and B shares reveals investor uncertainty

Road marking - One Way with snow Research Brief / Investing

Bringing a Sharper Focus to the Study of the Decline of Investment Diversification

Research measures the impact of global economic factors on returns