Topic: Corporate Finance

The exterior of a bank in Greece is shown as a man in a blue shirt walks in front of it. Research Brief / Banking

In a Crisis, Solvent Borrowers are Overcharged, Subsidizing Troubled Bank Clients

An unusual data trove from Greece’s economic collapse reveals the practice

Illustration of a tower taller than city buildings Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Forgoing a Tax Refund to Signal Brightening Financial Prospects

Companies that use loss carry-forwards to offset future tax liability, instead of claiming a refund, enjoy favorable lending terms

Closeup shot of newspapers Research Brief / Finance

Does Big News Drown Out Corporate Earnings Disclosures?

Henry Friedman’s research finds, surprisingly, that major economic news actually heightens attention paid to company announcements

Digital map Research Brief / Markets

Does Better Corporate Disclosure Boost Markets?

Stronger financial reporting standards seem to mean more for growth of countries’ credit markets than their stock markets

Manila file folders with U.S. government form 8-K on top Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Corporate Borrowing on the Down Low

18% of firms fail to promptly disclose new loan deals

Jay Powell Research Brief / Markets

Corporate Bond Market Meltdown Averted after Fed Action

Decade-old bank-risk limits may have exacerbated liquidity problems

FDIC logo on a window Research Brief / Banking

Calculating a Value for the Government Support Banks Enjoy

Researchers’ model could quantify the risks in the growing movement to ease up on Dodd-Frank regulations

Road marking - One Way with snow Research Brief / Investing

Bringing a Sharper Focus to the Study of the Decline of Investment Diversification

Research measures the impact of global economic factors on returns

Inverted image of a calculator Research Brief / Taxes

Boo! Does Merely Mentioning an Audit Increase Taxpayer Compliance?

Research undermines the notion that companies coldly calculate tax avoidance

Illustration of a bridge made out of gears with a red connecting section in the middle Research Brief / Banking

Banks, Freed to Operate Across State Lines, Helped Stabilize the Economy

Lenders financed expansion in some markets, offsetting problems in others

A cityscape at sunset overlaid with a grid of lighted network Research Brief / Banking

Banks Transmit Financial Shocks, Including from Natural Disasters

How a localized flood may result in fewer loans to a far-off community

Six office workers seen talking and performing various tasks Research Brief / Finance

Adapting Value Investing to the 21st Century

Including intangible assets in book value vastly improves the strategy’s returns

A metal trash can containing four wadded up pieces of paper Research Brief / Investing

46 Possible Stock Market Strategies from Academics Get a Retest

We won’t call it debunking, but not all investing tips hold up

A man dressed in pink dress shirt and tie pointing at himself in the mirror Research Brief / Finance

“How’re Sales, Roger?” “Good Question, Roger!”

When CEO and analyst share a first name, earnings estimates are sharper