In pre-World War II Germany, sports clubs became a vehicle to spread Nazism
A mathematical model analyzes incentives underlying surge-pricing schemes
Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.
Cell phone location data and local voting records measure discord
History’s Encyclopédie subscribers are matched to grievances against the monarchy
After management does its best, new analytical approaches take effectiveness up another notch
Informed by personal experience, a researcher parses data to help those mulling mastectomy and gynecological surgeries
A field experiment using public donation data indicates peer pressure matters
An economic model sets aside who loses and focuses on efficiency and overall growth
A unique data set provides fresh insights for the growing institutional investor market
The ubiquitous community-wide customer rating is the biggest pull in helping us pick a movie or show
Managers, forced to inform a broader audience, choose not to gather information even for themselves
An analysis of warrant trading reveals individuals’ poor grasp of complex securities
Results of financially weak firms are difficult to forecast; in uncertainty, Wall Street’s views are overly generous
Researchers struggle with faulty study designs, flyspecking each other’s work, re-arguing decades of debate about jobs and income
Just putting one where the last cardiac arrest occurred isn’t optimal — more calculations to get to fewer steps