Seeing global crises as ongoing, rather than episodic, and applying modern supply-chain management
Cassie Holmes’ book combines social science and personal history; jilted on the way to the altar
The average doctor, following sunshine laws, writes fewer Rx’s for marketed medicines
How a localized flood may result in fewer loans to a far-off community
Reliance on part-timers raises headcounts and dangers to patients
Customer loyalty, barriers to entry and other factors at play
An unusual data trove from Greece’s economic collapse reveals the practice
Syndicate voting rules reflect varying levels of trust and familiarity
Younger residents’ schooling boosts the region’s economic prospects
Steady employment is rare — a condition some U.S. workers also endure
As with scientific research, it’s hard to distinguish correlation from causation
Novelty and social connection boost time spent playing
Lenders financed expansion in some markets, offsetting problems in others
Modifications curtailed foreclosures during 2008-09 crisis, but borrowers remained at high risk of delinquency
Digital identity used in nearly every realm of life
A method that establishes a range of needs — and then tightens the range — works better