Compulsory education ‘homogenizes’ population, can stave off democracy
Notion that boys are innately better at math undermines girls’ self-belief
Data show growth of educated adults in city populations
Payouts to victims of Colombia’s decadeslong armed conflict suggest benefits may exceed the initial cost
A verdict on organic wines, imagining a world without cross-border capital constraints, beach houses and a financial crisis
Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced
One system’s end to busing offers data on integration’s impact on future partisanship
Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact
Zara’s excess inventory, why California housing seems more reasonably priced and the right amount of free time
Well-to-do families doting on their sons at daughters’ expense?
And thinking less about one’s adult life can reduce the pursuit of higher education
Younger residents’ schooling boosts the region’s economic prospects
Fatigue during a morning class dissuades some from rewarding majors
Buyers find the tomes heavy, costly and too frequently revised, while sellers might like to kill the used book market entirely