Topic: Government

Politicians looking at a report Feature / Government

Might More Lobbying Groups, Rather than Fewer, Be Good for Industry and the Public?

Make the influence industry more competitive, a theoretical study suggests

Nursing home at night - looking through multiple windows Feature / COVID-19

Medicare Ratings Didn’t Predict Nursing Homes’ Initial COVID-19 Vulnerability

Rate of spread in the surrounding community was a bigger indicator of risk

Illustration of dollar bills folded into a Staff of Hermes Research Brief / Health Care

Medicare Could Save by Subsidizing Providers’ Capital Spending

Projects that make health care delivery more efficient require upfront financial help

A cotton field in India. Research Brief / Economics

Locally, the Extent of British Rule in India Still Holds Back Economic Opportunity

Areas under direct rule lost the components of human capital

A portrait of King Charles II of Spain. The image depicts the king's Habsburg Jaw. Research Brief / Leadership

Leadership Matters: Countries Suffered Under Poor Quality Monarchs

Measuring inbreeding allows study to isolate rulers from circumstances

Monochrome photo of FDR Research Brief / Economics

Keynes vs. FDR: Lessons from the Great Recession

Sebastian Edwards finds Keynes’ public take-down of Roosevelt’s gold policies still relevant today

Person walking by a train with Uber logo Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Is Uber the Answer to Public Transit’s Last-Mile Problem?

And if so, who’s going to pay?

Highspeed rail Research Brief / Housing

Impact of High-Speed Rail: Surprising Data on Real Estate Prices

In Japan, speedier commutes let workers live farther from jobs, taking some pressure off high-priced housing markets

Illustration of a capital city Research Brief / Government

How the Seemingly Rapid Advance of Democracy Goes Astray

Using voting records from a unique transition in the 19th-century Caribbean, Christian Dippel examines the embrace of self-interest by new legislators

An image of the national debt amount Research Brief / Debt

How Much Debt Can the Government Roll Over Forever?

Public bonds compete against other investments; a model of that relationship

Illustration of a map Research Brief / Cultural History

How Local Governance Came to England’s Economy

Nico Voigtländer found that to combat arbitrary taxes and corruption, merchants persuaded the king to cede control

Four children are sitting around a shoe box filled with dirt and worms engaging in a science project Research Brief / Education

Head Start, the Public Preschool Program, More Than Pays for Itself

Large study sees increases in education, declines in public assistance

Two male workers walking in storage room Feature / Unemployment

Government Coverage of Payrolls Could Cost Less than Jobless Benefits

Analysis also suggests a more rapid economic recovery by keeping workers and employers allied

Three modern apartment buildings and one building under construction Research Brief / Economics

France, Forcing Municipal Mergers, Achieves Growth in Housing Units

Construction permitting power taken from cities that resisted development

Yellow prescription bottles Research Brief / Health Care

Exploring the Relationship between Off-Label Prescriptions and Clinical Trials

A study looks at how changes in FDA labeling affect pediatric utilization of drugs

An unseen American politician walking on their stage at a rally Research Brief / COVID-19

Economic and Ideological Predictors of the Unique U.S. COVID-19 Failure

Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice