Topic: Politics

A color photo of four catcti with a cactus blossom on the end at right. Research Brief / Taxes

A Simplified Tax Code and Post-Communist Growth

Study suggests flat tax systems boosted GDP in former Soviet republics and satellites

People standing in line with face masks Research Brief / Politics

A Tool for Uncovering Voter Suppression

Smartphone data reveals that wait times at the polls are much longer for black people

Aerial photo of university buildings and surrounding landscaping Research Brief / Health Care

Academic Medical Centers Resilient After Cuts

Following Medicare reimbursement rate changes, research actually increased

View of a hurricane from space Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Amid Unfounded ‘Hurricane Skepticism,’ Trump Voters Were Less Likely to Evacuate

Only after a Rush Limbaugh broadcast did evacuation rates diverge politically

Illustration of Caribbean Research Brief / Labor

An Early Episode of How Corporate Profits Shaped Labor Markets

Caribbean plantation owners, faced with slavery’s end, enacted legal barriers to employment elsewhere

A Soviet Union propaganda poster for May Day in 1950 that features a man and woman. Research Brief / Economics

An Enemy’s Economic Success Sparked U.S. Congressional Cooperation

Bipartisan action rose amid reports of surprising Soviet Cold War economic growth

A black and orange detour sign on a fance. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Another Political Trick? Inducing Forgetting By Mentioning Irrelevant Information

Positive views on, say, a social policy are more easily suppressed than negative ones

Illustration of a guillotine Research Brief / Cultural History

Beyond Angry Mobs: Intellectuals in the French Revolution

History’s Encyclopédie subscribers are matched to grievances against the monarchy

Monochrome photo of soldiers marching Research Brief / Cultural History

Bowling for Fascism: Exploring the Dark Side of Social Capital

In pre-World War II Germany, sports clubs became a vehicle to spread Nazism

Illustration of hands raised in blue, with one hand colored red Feature / Politics

Campaign Contributions Swayed by Neighbors’ Politics

A field experiment using public donation data indicates peer pressure matters

A sunny afternoon traffic jam in Chengdu, China. Research Brief / Government

Chinese Citizens, Given Voice in Local Budgeting, Are More Satisfied With Country’s Regime — and Want More From It

Taste of democracy engenders the opposite of cynicism

Illustration of businessman plugging ears with fingers and megaphone to the right of him, Research Brief / Politics

Closely Held Political Beliefs Often Immune to Conflicting Information – Even From Trusted Sources

People say they’d change their minds, but they mostly don’t

Research Brief / Gender

COVID-19 Tactics Varied by Gender Among Brazilian Mayors Running for Reelection

Notable differences in death rates; it appears candidates factored in voter gender bias

A photo illustration of the American flag with a crack through it and the Capitol building overlaid and a red filter over the entire image. Research Brief / Politics

Cultural Polarization Isn’t New — But Its Alignment With Political Divisions Is

A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war

Male prisoners in a prison yard Research Brief / Politics

Do Private Prisons Lead to Higher Incarceration Rates?

Researchers take on the difficult job of isolating for-profit prisons from a host of other factors

An unseen American politician walking on their stage at a rally Research Brief / COVID-19

Economic and Ideological Predictors of the Unique U.S. COVID-19 Failure

Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice