Area: Accounting

A person looking a computer screen with stock ticker Research Brief / Stock Returns

A Tool for Finding Mispriced Stocks

Less sophisticated investors reveal their sentiment in certain trades, and a 20-year study measures it company by company

A folded paper fortune teller gsme with good news written on one flap and bad news written on another in black lettering. Research Brief / Debt

What Investors Infer From External News And Management Silence

Uncertainty about outside news alters company disclosures and how markets interpret them, study finds

An older man fills out forms in front of a bank teller while an older woman on the right talks to a bank teller. Research Brief / Banking

Mobile Banking, a Boon to Many, Disadvantages Those Who Bank at Branches

Banks close neighborhood outlets and raise prices for branch-delivered services

A man dressed in pink dress shirt and tie pointing at himself in the mirror Research Brief / Finance

“How’re Sales, Roger?” “Good Question, Roger!”

When CEO and analyst share a first name, earnings estimates are sharper