Poorer residents of states refusing to expand Medicaid hit hardest
A model examines the relationships between innovation, speculation and market values
Backers like to offer suggestions to a not-quite-finished product
Good ideas may be scarce, capital to fund them is not
Measuring inbreeding allows study to isolate rulers from circumstances
Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact
In a model, cultural differences matter as much as geography, institutional distinctions or capital constraints
How investors react to volatility, the marshmallow test reconsidered and the role of gender in some career advice
The history of industrial transformation suggests more gradual change
Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice
Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more
VC money for tech pushes up costs for everyone else
The bandwagon effect boosts the top vote-getter in preliminary rounds
Reliable, widespread testing regimen could help jump-start economy
Fake Amazon reviews, cultural norms around gender, and stocks held in Robinhood accounts