When they’re forced to pay up for deposits, it’s a bad sign for area’s economy
Forced sale of assets could stretch illiquidity across industries
Doing so, they subsidize government, which is, well, sort of like a tax
Major cities reliably feed residents to the same smaller markets, and housing booms predictably travel with them
Known as collateralized loan obligations, their aim is actually to reduce risk
Less diligent as shoppers, such buyers help drive up home prices
Rethinking issues around productivity, income inequality and industry concentration
An approach tailored to investor risk appetite and more comparable to stocks
Do investors misprice assets, revise their risk appetite or make some other misjudgment?
Traders see an implicit promise beyond specific asset purchases
Public bonds compete against other investments; a model of that relationship
Probing that question using a database of for-sale-by-owner home listings
How a localized flood may result in fewer loans to a far-off community
An unusual data trove from Greece’s economic collapse reveals the practice
Lenders financed expansion in some markets, offsetting problems in others