Investors initially underreact to volatility, then overreact
Including intangible assets in book value vastly improves the strategy’s returns
Some lenders’ balance sheets are less affected by a rising federal funds rate
With a business model built on fewer employees, their dominance saps dynamism.
Though defaults are low, rates on credit card loan-backed notes are high
Local currency sovereign bonds transfer risk from issuer to buyer
The same gift, with a message on saving the recipient time, is more welcome
Individuals using the Robinhood trading app appear to beat the market
Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.
Doing worse than mom and dad is a drag on the entire economy
A 12-month high in local unemployment triggers savings behavior
A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies
Cost burdens affect half of U.S. households that rent, as housing shortage worsens
When bad times hit, highly indebted companies often have to sell operations and equipment at fire-sale prices
Rigid adherence to scoring systems can reduce consumer spending when it’s most needed
“Uh, I already bought a house”: Tech workers spend ahead of actual stock sales