Author: kmenke

Several people look down at their phones while waiting outside at an airport passenger loading zone Research Brief / Pricing

A Proposal to Improve Surge Pricing

Reduce fares in adjacent areas to draw more drivers to where demand is high

Four individuals sitting side by side at a dinner table, laughing and smiling Research Question / Nudges

How to — and How Not to — Message Older Americans

Practitioners often ignore decades of progress in understanding what works

A hand preparing to write on a blank paper Research Brief / Sustainability

Organic Wines Prevail in an Analysis of French Wine Ratings

Standards vary and organics capture just 4% of world market

A portrait of King Charles II of Spain. The image depicts the king's Habsburg Jaw. Research Brief / Leadership

Leadership Matters: Countries Suffered Under Poor Quality Monarchs

Measuring inbreeding allows study to isolate rulers from circumstances

An overhead view of individuals walking in a single file line. The ground has been painted to look like a map of the world. Research Brief / Education

Presence of Immigrant Students Boosts Test Scores for All

Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact

An aerial photo of a work site Research Brief / Economy

World Economy 9.6% Bigger Without Investment Barriers

In a model, cultural differences matter as much as geography, institutional distinctions or capital constraints

A smiling person leans out of their window Research Brief / COVID-19

COVID-19-Induced Eviction Moratoria Reduced Hunger and Anxiety

Housing guaranteed, rent payments went toward food

A view of a white house on stilts on a beach shore Feature / Global Warming

Is the $1 Trillion Coastal Housing Market a Future Financial Crisis?

Homebuyers ignore warnings of rising seas; lenders keep lending

Produce section of a grocery store with people pushing carts in both aisles Research Brief / Supply Chain

How Grocery Co-Ops Fit into the Competitive Landscape

Do for-profit supermarket chains tolerate higher-priced co-ops?

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Mar 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — No Penalty for Guessing

How investors react to volatility, the marshmallow test reconsidered and the role of gender in some career advice

Illustration of hands holding paddles with thumbs up or down Research Brief / Nudges

When Feedback Backfires and When It Works

Over- or underperformer? Responses vary widely

View of an empty office building Research Brief / Workplace

Work From Home: Adjustments Still to Come?

The history of industrial transformation suggests more gradual change

An overhead view of cars waiting in line for vaccine distribution Research Brief / COVID-19

In COVID-19, Should the Logistics Tail Have Wagged the Vaccine Dog?

Balancing vaccine efficacy against need to quickly inoculate more people

Aerial view of two bridges over water with a dinghy passing underneath Research Brief / Investing

Why Risk and Reward Don’t Always Move in Concert

Investors initially underreact to volatility, then overreact

An unseen American politician walking on their stage at a rally Research Brief / COVID-19

Economic and Ideological Predictors of the Unique U.S. COVID-19 Failure

Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice

Two individuals engaged in conversation Research Brief / Bias

Informal Career Advice Carries a Gender Bias

Women are warned about work-life balance more than men