Author: kmenke

An angled photo of brick building storefronts Research Brief / Entrepreneurship

Borrowings Suggest Small Company Owners Face Higher Risk

Analysis uses business credit card loans to gauge market perception

Reflection in the mirror of man brushing his teeth Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

Boring Tasks We Abandon Too Soon: a Method to Finish the Job

Pairing the mundane — hand washing, teeth brushing — with more engaging activities

A variety of white clouds on a black background Research Brief / Management

Boom of Intangible Assets Felt Across Industries and Economy

Rethinking issues around productivity, income inequality and industry concentration

Inverted image of a calculator Research Brief / Taxes

Boo! Does Merely Mentioning an Audit Increase Taxpayer Compliance?

Research undermines the notion that companies coldly calculate tax avoidance

Illustration of two men with one crossing his fingers behind his back Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Being Biased against Friends to Appear Unbiased

If the boss is your friend, and compensation decisions are public, a bonus you’d get on merit might not be forthcoming

Illustration of a man weighing two balances Research Brief / Retirement Planning

Behind the Annuity Conundrum: The Belief They’re Unfair

Researchers find little commonality among haters of the difficult-to-sell retirement products, except when discussing fairness

Illustration of a house, cap, rings, car keys, baby crib Feature / Nudges

Behavioral Nudges Timed to Certain Days are Effective Motivator

Dates of milestones — major and minor — can spur us to action

Illustration of a man in front of a computer covering his face while stressed Research Brief / Health Care

Behavioral Economics Could Increase Obamacare Enrollment and Stabilize Markets

Greater subsidies aren’t enough: Lowering the complexity of enrollment is needed to bring more and healthier people into the market

Illustration of a bridge made out of gears with a red connecting section in the middle Research Brief / Banking

Banks, Freed to Operate Across State Lines, Helped Stabilize the Economy

Lenders financed expansion in some markets, offsetting problems in others

A cityscape at sunset overlaid with a grid of lighted network Research Brief / Banking

Banks Transmit Financial Shocks, Including from Natural Disasters

How a localized flood may result in fewer loans to a far-off community

Composite image of stock charts overlaid on an image of a laptop Research Brief / Investing

Banks Rent Out Their Balance Sheets — So Derivatives Cost More

Even before Dodd-Frank rules, the costs were significant

Bored teens at a movie theater Research Brief / Education

Awards as Incentives: Sometimes They Backfire

Seeking to improve school attendance, researchers learn how some students think

Illustration of two hot dog carts Research Brief / Pricing

Avoiding Direct Price Competition: Bundling and Unbundling

If one company bundles products, its competitors are always better off not bundling; the thing to avoid is a head-to-head competition wherein the only way to get an edge is by cutting prices

A man using a virtual headset Research Brief / Marketing

Attracting Early Adopters: Best Way to Overcome Consumer Resistance to Innovative Products

Chris Tang’s research suggests a two-step pricing strategy can maximize sales and profits

High speed view in a tunnel Feature / Investing

At Last, the Momentum Investing Puzzle Solved?

The simplest explanation — “I can’t believe you know something I don’t” — may trump all the rest

Aerial view of Los Angeles at sunset. Research Brief / Global Warming

Assessing Climate Disclosure as U.S. Drops Scope 3 Requirement

What emerges is a fragmented view of corporate contribution to global warming