Content Type: Research Brief

Refueling an airplane on the airport Punta Cana at the Dominican Republic Research Brief / Global Warming

Taxing Jet Fuel Could Reduce Airline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Now

Breakthrough technologies are years off for aviation, but incremental improvements are available

YouTube on a tablet computer Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

Taking the Battle for Financial Literacy to Where the Eyeballs Are

Research by Bruce Carlin and Stephen Spiller suggests YouTube videos could help consumers make better money decisions

An illustration of a woman pulling a suitcase as she walks toward her ride share. Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Surge Pricing’s Benefits Go to a Subset of Ride-Hailing Drivers

Full-timers gain the least, part-time drivers the most

A view of a petrochemical plant at night Research Brief / Competition

Sunk Costs Work as Barrier to Exit

Firms endure losses in hopes of a turnaround

The skyline of Shenzhen, China, amid pollution. Research Brief / Supply Chain

Strict Emissions Rules in China Spur Automotive Innovations

Tough standards led to an increase in auto-related patents

A laptop with Netflix Research Brief / E-commerce

Streaming Choices: Do We Follow the Big Crowd or Our Friends?

The ubiquitous community-wide customer rating is the biggest pull in helping us pick a movie or show

A cartoon image of someone being handed money from several different hands Research Brief / Startups

State Tax Credits for Angel Investors Backfire

Good ideas may be scarce, capital to fund them is not

Workers in a warehouse putting together packages Research Brief / Productivity

Startling Productivity Leap: an Algorithm, Not a Manager, Assigns Work

Warehouse pickers perceive process to be fairer

The old Continental Illinois building in Chicago Research Brief / Finance

Sorting Out Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Loan Syndicates

Syndicate voting rules reflect varying levels of trust and familiarity

Home with an auction sign on the lawn Research Brief / Home Mortgages

Some Homeowners Pay Their Underwater Mortgages Until the Government Offers a Better Option

Federal loan modification program led borrowers to default

An overhead view of a herd heading toward water Research Brief / Cultural History

Societies With a Legacy of Herding: More Prone to Current Day Violence

A culture that valorized revenge among pre-industrial herders resonates today

Person with head buried in their hand Research Brief / Accounting

Snarky Co-Workers Can Ruin Morale, Even When the Boss Is Supportive

Malignant personalities loom large in workplace happiness and a supervisor’s positive tone carries only so far

Police cars and officers on highway at night. Research Brief / Bias

Smartphone Records Reveal Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Policing

Police patrol Black areas more frequently than others with similar homicide rates and income levels

A full stocked grocery store yogurt section Research Brief / Pricing

Smaller Grocery Chains Exclude Products as Negotiating Ploy

Tactic partially makes up for lesser clout with suppliers

Uncle Oke's Pot shop store front with an open sign Research Brief / Retail

Small Enterprises Benefit from Economies of Scale in Marijuana Retailing

Washington state data: Profits higher, prices lower at multi-store firms

Students walking on a path on campus Research Brief / Diversity

Sizing Up the Measurable Good of Affirmative Action

An economic model sets aside who loses and focuses on efficiency and overall growth