Money-saving messages lose impact over time, while worry about dangerous pollution helps consumers show discipline
Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions
Patent histories show entrepreneurs focused on exit strategy
A separate motivator: friends living in areas abundant in solar panels
Also: minimum wages and migration, Twitter visuals and stock prices, and penalties for failing to report clinical trial data
A book examines labor’s alliance with other large shareholders to rein in corporate power
Omitting female-typical language, in the eyes of hiring managers, makes a woman less ‘likable’
Behavior, other factors influence which improvements are effective
Ad agencies’ 15% fee lasted 100 years longer than it might have
Analysis shows an increase in jobs for low-wage workers, but the buying power of their paycheck declines
Warehouse pickers perceive process to be fairer
Years after a paper goes unpublished, it’s fodder for a major Federal Trade Commission proposal
A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war
They do, but only when facing a competitive election contest
The same gift, with a message on saving the recipient time, is more welcome
Andrea Eisfeldt finds that hedge funds with infrastructure to execute sophisticated arbitrage crowd out less-expert investors