Magali Delmas proposes a “green bundle,” combining environmental good with product traits — quality, healthiness, performance, status — that have always sold
A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl
Using parish records, researchers examine fundamental changes in society following the French Revolution
Far from burn zones, especially for renters and those with iffy credit, money troubles follow fires
Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact
History’s Encyclopédie subscribers are matched to grievances against the monarchy
Companies that take longer than expected to announce results may be buying time for accounting tricks
Compulsory education ‘homogenizes’ population, can stave off democracy
Also: the kind of companies at which more women advance; reaching the UN’s goals for a better world
Phony posts are largely very short-term campaigns
Do for-profit supermarket chains tolerate higher-priced co-ops?
Also: Why some civilizations grew enormously, artificial intelligence and stock prices, and what moves home prices in Boise
But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably
New research suggests increased risk of illness and death in middle age, on top of longer-lasting income penalty
A self-imposed quest for a perfect time to enjoy an indulgence often means missing out on actually having a good experience
When beds are limited, turning away the sickest and poorest boosts margins