Workers involved in compensation decisions might accept a co-worker’s better deal if management didn’t unilaterally decide
Most sellers do one or the other, but giving shoppers both might lift sales
Fake Amazon reviews, cultural norms around gender, and stocks held in Robinhood accounts
Researchers developed an index that warns earlier than others about approaching home loan problems
Experienced founders with good products still need great employees to attract early investment, study finds
How investors react to volatility, the marshmallow test reconsidered and the role of gender in some career advice
Learning gradually versus all at once and how we estimate value
How to rebalance supply and demand amid today’s chaotic internet traffic
Breakthrough technologies are years off for aviation, but incremental improvements are available
Splitting complex problems into parts simplifies and greatly speeds the task
Just putting one where the last cardiac arrest occurred isn’t optimal — more calculations to get to fewer steps
Less diligent as shoppers, such buyers help drive up home prices
Tyler Muir finds that neither war nor deep recession darkens investor sentiment like sudden turmoil in the financial system
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A study finds unexpected impact when a disruptive player enters market