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Aerial shot of an industrial district Forecast / Technology

Tech Sector Propels California’s Economy Faster than the Nation’s

New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely

Illustration of binoculars Research Brief / Marketing

When Does the Future Begin?

Believing it arrives sooner leads people to, well, prepare for it

An open daily planner Research Brief / Time Management

Not Now: Correcting Imbalance in One’s Schedule Takes Planning and Time

People across studies want to change their lives, but are more inclined to do that in the distant future

Aerial shot of downtown Los Angeles freeways Research Brief / Housing

Rising Rents Force Families to Curtail Spending on Food and Health Care

Cost burdens affect half of U.S. households that rent, as housing shortage worsens

Illustration of two arms shaking hands with skyscrapers in the middle Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

In Some Industries, Are Corporate Combinations Actually Good for Consumers?

A model focuses on startups that, while developing innovative products, seek a lucrative buyout

Raised fists with one in red Research Brief / Bias

How to Encourage the Discriminated-Against to Band Together

Membership in a stigmatized group doesn’t predispose acceptance of other stigmatized groups

Portable clocks with different times displayed Feature / Time Management

Time: How We Manage It, Value It and Relate to Its Passage

A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time

Illustration collage of different faces Research Brief / Diversity

Diversity: Measuring How and Why Groups See It Differently

Perceived differences between “diverse” and “sufficiently diverse”

Illustration of people as wind-up toys Research Brief / Retirement

Americans Sacrifice $3.4 Trillion by Claiming Social Security Too Soon

Can nudges, tailored to personality traits, persuade retirees to wait?

Illustration of a head with blinders Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

How People Gather Information — or Don’t — to Make Decisions

Personal beliefs, especially among the less educated, often outweigh actual data

Illustration of office buildings with a silhouette of a figure holding their arms out Research Brief / Taxes

Businesses Vastly Overestimate the Likelihood of Being Audited

Should tax-collecting agencies keep audit activity secret to discourage cheating?

Illustration of vultures sitting on a sign in a city Research Brief / Debt

Less Leveraged Than the Competition: Ready to Snag Distressed Assets in a Recession

When bad times hit, highly indebted companies often have to sell operations and equipment at fire-sale prices

Illustration of a tower taller than city buildings Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Forgoing a Tax Refund to Signal Brightening Financial Prospects

Companies that use loss carry-forwards to offset future tax liability, instead of claiming a refund, enjoy favorable lending terms

Strawberry doughnut in a box Research Brief / Advertising

Inventory Scarcity Messages in Online Retailing Can Backfire

If there are only six left, I guess I won’t be buying a dozen

People with luggage Research Brief / Economy

Modern Monetary Theory: Fiasco in Latin America, Option in U.S.?

The populist model, embraced by some on the American left, resembles policy that helped torpedo some smaller economies

Foreign pharmacy Research Brief / Retail

Quality and Price: National Pharmacy Chains Benefit Consumers in India

Independent drug stores improve to meet the competition