Topic: Economics

Tall buildings from the perspective of a person looking up Research Brief / Economics

A Broader Measure of Value Creation at Corporations

A tool in the debate over shareholder primacy and wealth disparities

Chocolate truffles in a display case Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

How Much We Value Something Increases Our Patience

Delayed gratification isn’t just about willpower

Banner for Some Homeowners Put Off Sale When Told of Likely Rise in Market Feature / Economics

Some Homeowners Put Off Sale When Told of Likely Rise in Market

Investors who don’t occupy a home are likelier to delay for top dollar

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz May 2020 Quiz

Monthly Quiz: Test Your Business Knowledge

Bundled product offerings, team members who hog the glory and kidney transplant quality

Male nurse pushing a patient in a wheelchair Research Brief / Health Care

How Nursing Homes Selectively Admit Patients for Optimal Profits

When beds are limited, turning away the sickest and poorest boosts margins

International flags and Euro sign Research Brief / Markets

One European Country Defaults: How Hard-Hit Is the Euro?

A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies

Two doctors performing surgery Research Brief / Health Care

Kidney Transplant Outcomes Suffer at Clinics That Add Liver Transplants

Younger-patient mortality rate nearly triples, 20 years of data indicate

People waiting for job interview Research Brief / Hiring/Firing

Google Says to Hire the Best, but Suppose You Can’t?

Top companies hog the best talent, adding to their competitive advantage

Blurry image of a document that has redaction Research Brief / Banking

When Lenders Put a Muzzle on Borrowers

Companies hide from shareholders information about loans — more than likely to appease banks

Food delivery in China Research Brief / E-commerce

Food Delivery Apps: Driver Experience Turns Out to Be Crucial

A model improves on-time performance and yields more repeat business

Students in cap and gown Research Brief / Economics

Where College Graduates Gather, Prosperity Rises

Data show growth of educated adults in city populations

Image of a researcher working with equipment in a medical lab Research Brief / Health Care

How Publicly Funded Research Leads to Cancer Drug Trials

Pharmaceutical companies are better able to identify promising new applications for existing drugs

A man with a headlamp and safety helmet on Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

Americans Want to Help Poor People, but Only the Hard-Working Poor

Biases around race, nation-of-origin and disability are small compared to the preference for helping the diligent

Workers in a garment factory Research Brief / Workplace

Motivating Workers with a Sacred Symbol: Promise and Peril

A Chinese garment factory tidied up after golden coins were displayed

Two students using a computer Research Brief / Education

Gender Gaps in School Performance

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

McDonald's employee Forecast / Economy

Does a Rising Tide of High-Wage Tech Jobs Really Lift All Boats?

Analysis shows an increase in jobs for low-wage workers, but the buying power of their paycheck declines