Topic: Employment

Person with head buried in their hand Research Brief / Accounting

Snarky Co-Workers Can Ruin Morale, Even When the Boss Is Supportive

Malignant personalities loom large in workplace happiness and a supervisor’s positive tone carries only so far

Black pencil with white eraser removing a written mistake on a piece of paper. Research Brief / Gender

Removing Words With Gender Bias in Job Ads: More Diverse Applicants

Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions

Dimly lit empty manufacturing facility Research Brief / Recession

Recession Recoveries Take Longer as Manufacturing Fades

Should stimulus be targeted toward displaced workers, rather than across the economy?

Autonomous trucks on the road Feature / Technology

Rapid Change Is Coming to the Service Sector

Technology and “industrialization” are reshaping services as they did manufacturing

Coworkers sitting on the floor eating pizza Research Brief / Diversity

Positive Workplace Experiences White Employees Take for Granted Are Often Lacking for Other Groups

Workplace equality requires more than an end to discrimination

Illustration of a man chasing money floating away while chained to a ball Feature / Compensation

Noncompete Agreements Reduce Worker Pay — and Overall Economic Activity

Researchers refute earlier claims

A welder wearing protective head gear works on a piece of metal in a workshop Forecast / Manufacturing

Manufacturing Might Pull Its Weight in Next Recovery

Unlike in past cycles, factory jobs are showing strength ahead of expected downturn

Three girls in green graduation gowns take a selfiea Forecast / Accountable Care Organizations

Los Angeles, Long a Laggard in Education, Gaining Ground on Other Major Metros

Younger residents’ schooling boosts the region’s economic prospects

A women sitting in front of her laptop holding her toddler daughter Research Brief / Gender Gap

Long Before COVID-19, School Summer Breaks Disrupted Women’s Careers

Households with kids ages 6 to 12 feel the interruption most

Cartoon of large watering can watering workers like plants Research Brief / Operations

How Diversified Companies Can Redeploy Workers to Enable Growth

Experienced hands help new business lines find their way

People waiting for job interview Research Brief / Hiring/Firing

Google Says to Hire the Best, but Suppose You Can’t?

Top companies hog the best talent, adding to their competitive advantage

An Indian man works at a sewing machine Research Brief / Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship, Riskier in Wealthy Nations, Is Actually Safer in India

Steady employment is rare — a condition some U.S. workers also endure

Male wearing a suit facing away from the camera Feature / Employment

Entering the Job Market in Recession: The Prognosis Worsens

New research suggests increased risk of illness and death in middle age, on top of longer-lasting income penalty

Illustration of salary men Research Brief / Compensation

Employees Are OK with Unequal Pay — If They Have a Say in It

Workers involved in compensation decisions might accept a co-worker’s better deal if management didn’t unilaterally decide

Research Brief / Gender

Downplaying Femininity in Cover Letters for Male-Dominated Job Backfires

Omitting female-typical language, in the eyes of hiring managers, makes a woman less ‘likable’

McDonald's employee Forecast / Economy

Does a Rising Tide of High-Wage Tech Jobs Really Lift All Boats?

Analysis shows an increase in jobs for low-wage workers, but the buying power of their paycheck declines