Topic: Gender Gap

Meeting in a boardroom Research Brief / Gender Gap

You Have Women on Your Board? Gender Inequality and the Choices of Foreign Fund Manager

How investment data and country rankings correlate on treatment of women

Woman walking through a courtyard Research Brief / Gender

Women Are Likelier to Drop Out after Early Political Loss

But the “persistence gap” in seeking elective office narrows with experience

A blank organizational chart in white on a blackboard Research Brief / Gender Gap

Women Advance More Frequently in Decentralized Companies

At smaller units, they can develop a record of objective achievement separate from any male-dominated network

A classroom of middle school students taking a test at their desks. Research Brief / Education

Why So Few Women in STEM Fields: The Role of Middle-School Peer Influence

Notion that boys are innately better at math undermines girls’ self-belief

Firefighters in front of their truck Research Brief / Gender Gap

Why Aren’t There More Women Firefighters?

Aligning people’s idea of a firefighter with the range of work and skills actually required might reduce gender bias

Collage of diverse business women Research Brief / Diversity

White Men Admire a Company That Employs White Women

But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably

Two cartoon figures. One is sitting on a large pile of gold coins while the other has very few. Research Brief / Income

Wage Transparency Might Make Income Inequality Even Worse

Unintended consequences in trying to apply market solutions

Three female engineers Feature / Strategy

STEM Careers: Accelerating Women’s Progress

How to build confidence with recognition incentives

A female surgeon looks to two nurses as a male surgeon continues to work on a patient's foot. Research Brief / Gender Gap

Shorter Workweek Could Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Feb 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Easier than the GMAT

Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more

Women Unite protest Research Brief / Gender Gap

Perceived Gender Equity: How 2016’s Election Widened a Gap

How vote outcomes affect feelings about society

A classroom with students Research Brief / Gender Gap

Parents Who Favor Boys Raise Girls Who Score Lower in Math

A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl

Two opposing co-ed teams play a game of soccer Research Brief / Gender Gap

Opting Women into Competition Could Help Narrow Gender Gap

Fixing the process and abandoning the mindset of ‘fixing the women’

Four children independently working on a math assignment Research Brief / Gender Gap

Math Gender Gap: Nonexistent for Blacks, Notable for Affluent Whites

Well-to-do families doting on their sons at daughters’ expense?

A women sitting in front of her laptop holding her toddler daughter Research Brief / Gender Gap

Long Before COVID-19, School Summer Breaks Disrupted Women’s Careers

Households with kids ages 6 to 12 feel the interruption most

Two individuals engaged in conversation Research Brief / Bias

Informal Career Advice Carries a Gender Bias

Women are warned about work-life balance more than men