Prior to vaccines, more staff tests per week could have prevented thousands of nursing home deaths, study suggests
Establishment media coalesces around a lone narrative, but online chatter hops between storylines, sometimes shocking traders
Bidders sacrifice a better price to avoid ending up with nothing
A large field experiment suggests two items is the sweet spot for converting motivated lookers into buyers
When to allow unpaid workers to call dibs on recurring tasks — and when not to
Placing an inferior ‘decoy’ option in a menu of choices can trigger people to take their business elsewhere
Offering higher deposit rates lessens emphasis on loans of fixed rate and longer maturity
In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?
In experiments, people endorsed seemingly harsh policies — only to reverse course after the fact
It can also help management make capital expenditure decisions
Decision analysis for a firm considering adding a longer-aged product to its lineup
Even when there’s an easy-to-access better alternative, some prefer their rut
Recognition by peers leads to longer, more thoughtful online reviews and discussion threads
U.S. efforts to encourage transparency widely ignored by companies
Overlapping tasks among workers well acquainted with each other reduce the need for managers
In China, patent data shows commercial banks’ use of new technologies helps improve efficiency and reduce risk