Topic: Organizational Culture

Laptop with a calendar Research Brief / Time Management

You’ll Be Interrupted — Why Not Plan for It?

A team of researchers weighs contingent planning against traditional time management

Group of people standing in a circle with their hands in the middle while smiling Research Brief / Workplace

Workplace Empowerment Can Alter One’s View of Societal Authority

Chinese garment workers and U.S. university employees, worlds apart, react similarly when allowed a bit of self-determination

Two people at a shared open office space sitting on red rubber balls Research Brief / Workplace

Working for a Startup Depresses Long-Term Earnings

The most lucrative career paths avoid young, small firms

View of an empty office building Research Brief / Workplace

Work From Home: Adjustments Still to Come?

The history of industrial transformation suggests more gradual change

A blank organizational chart in white on a blackboard Research Brief / Gender Gap

Women Advance More Frequently in Decentralized Companies

At smaller units, they can develop a record of objective achievement separate from any male-dominated network

Manager disapprovingly looks down at a distressed employee's work Research Brief / Workplace

Why Unloved Workers Don’t Share Productivity Tips with the Boss

Concept of attachment theory, born in developmental psychology, applied to the workplace

A group of people climbing a mountain peak Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Why Kickstarter Funders Quickly Kick in the Last 5 Percent

Research shows that people have a sincere desire to see projects take flight

Female speaker Feature / Bias

Whites’ Efforts to Appear Non-Racist Can Backfire

A listening-and-learning approach is more welcome than professing color-blindness

Collage of diverse business women Research Brief / Diversity

White Men Admire a Company That Employs White Women

But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably

Illustration of a man wearing a business suit running out of a box Research Brief / Entrepreneurship

What Work Experience Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

How founders’ employment history shapes their ventures

Soliders kneeling behind 2 other soldiers in civil war era. Research Brief / Management

What Makes a Good Front-Line Manager — in Business and in War?

Civil War officers with working-class backgrounds held units together best

Research Brief / Stereotypes

Warmth vs. Competence: a Way to Organize Study of Job, Gender and Racial Stereotypes?

Nurses (and women) rate highly for warmth; lawyers, not so much

Illustration of a convertible car Research Brief / Time Management

Vacation Mindset: How Weekends Can Be More Refreshing

Researchers told subjects to treat their weekend like a vacation, then gauged happiness on Monday

Collage of women forming a larger image of a woman Research Brief / Cultural History

Using Ancestral Characteristics to Study Modern Economics

A database of pre-industrial sampling supports historical and ethnographic research

Portable clocks with different times displayed Feature / Time Management

Time: How We Manage It, Value It and Relate to Its Passage

A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time

Illustration of a comic Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

The Surprising Power of Giving Up Choice Control

Abdicating a decision to someone else is viewed as an act of generosity that is handsomely rewarded