Companies with Chinese suppliers suffered — those with more diversified supply chains suffered more
Compulsory education ‘homogenizes’ population, can stave off democracy
One system’s end to busing offers data on integration’s impact on future partisanship
Varying ideologies contributed to early spread in small nation
Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice
GOP legislatures often made firearm laws looser after infamous events
Academic medical centers, French elections and Chinese garment workers
The bandwagon effect boosts the top vote-getter in preliminary rounds
Following Medicare reimbursement rate changes, research actually increased
Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.
Only after a Rush Limbaugh broadcast did evacuation rates diverge politically
Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital
Europeans brought an appreciation of social welfare programs that still resonates
Smartphone data reveals that wait times at the polls are much longer for black people
Estimates are based on smartphone data and precinct-level 2016 vote results