Topic: Politics

Tom Wolf political lawn sign Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Political and Charitable Giving: One Rises, the Other Falls

In an election year, that’s bad news for organizations like the American Red Cross

Empty Times Square in New York in blue (left side); "Quarantine Overkill" sign held by a woman at a rally in red (right) Research Brief / COVID-19

How Clinton and Trump Voters Behave in — and Spread — a Pandemic

Estimates are based on smartphone data and precinct-level 2016 vote results

Angela merkel Research Brief / COVID-19

Who Loves a Leader in a Lockdown?

Not the people who see coronavirus as an unpredictable threat

People standing in line with face masks Research Brief / Politics

A Tool for Uncovering Voter Suppression

Smartphone data reveals that wait times at the polls are much longer for black people

Monochrome picture of people disembarking a ship Feature / Politics

The Long-Term Political Influence of Immigrants

Europeans brought an appreciation of social welfare programs that still resonates

Empty western town with a tumble weed rolling across the main street Research Brief / Social Capital

Populism Blossoms Where Community Connectedness Is Lower

Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital

View of a hurricane from space Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Amid Unfounded ‘Hurricane Skepticism,’ Trump Voters Were Less Likely to Evacuate

Only after a Rush Limbaugh broadcast did evacuation rates diverge politically

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Oct 2020 Quiz

Snap Quiz — This Is for Extra Credit

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

Aerial photo of university buildings and surrounding landscaping Research Brief / Health Care

Academic Medical Centers Resilient After Cuts

Following Medicare reimbursement rate changes, research actually increased

Posters for various candidates for the French presidential election Research Brief / Politics

Voters Often Opt for Candidate They Expect to Win

The bandwagon effect boosts the top vote-getter in preliminary rounds

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Jan 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Stuff You Might Know

Academic medical centers, French elections and Chinese garment workers

Emma Gonzalez speaking a podium for a March For Our Lives event Research Brief / Politics

The Odd History of Gun Legislation Following Mass Shootings

GOP legislatures often made firearm laws looser after infamous events

An unseen American politician walking on their stage at a rally Research Brief / COVID-19

Economic and Ideological Predictors of the Unique U.S. COVID-19 Failure

Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice

Research Brief / COVID-19

Israel and COVID-19: Political Dissension But a Unified National Plan

Varying ideologies contributed to early spread in small nation

Diverse group of high school students having a discussion Research Brief / Diversity

Schooling Alongside Minorities Reduces White Students’ Tendency to Vote Republican

One system’s end to busing offers data on integration’s impact on future partisanship

A group of children in uniform reading from small red books Research Brief / Government

Why Some Dictators Build Schools — and Others Don’t

Compulsory education ‘homogenizes’ population, can stave off democracy