Topic: Strategy

A photo of a merge sign Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Unvarnished Merger Talk: Will This Deal Help Us Raise Prices?

Customer loyalty, barriers to entry and other factors at play

Vintage desktop calendar isolated on a white background. Research Brief / Bond Market

Unintended Consequence of Stale Corporate Bond Fund Prices Amid Fed Tightening

In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?

Collage of trademark symbols Research Question / Investing

Underappreciated Investment Edge: Company Trademark Filings

Not part of financial reporting, trademark activity predicts stock returns

Cars parked the side of a street Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Uber-Like Services: Variable Driver-Company Revenue Split Improves Profit

A second lever, after “surge” pricing, adjusts the supply of drivers

Two jigsaw puzzle pieces held together by staples. Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Two Tech Giants — and Two Very Different Acquisition Strategies

Alphabet’s M&A feeds its core business; Amazon’s more likely to push into new areas

Split screen of fake lemon on the left and real lemon on the right. Research Brief / E-commerce

To Spot Fake Online Reviews, Target the Reviewers

A test was 93% accurate; more efficient than analyzing reviews

Two men sit on a bench in a scene from the TV show "Silicon Valley." Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

The Role of Chance Encounters in Silicon Valley Innovation

Cellphone signals and patent citations approximate a theory’s long-sought paper trail

Emma Gonzalez speaking a podium for a March For Our Lives event Research Brief / Politics

The Odd History of Gun Legislation Following Mass Shootings

GOP legislatures often made firearm laws looser after infamous events

An illustration of two figures marching inside endless treadmills. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

The More They Do It, the More Some People Prefer To Continue a Tedious Task

Even when there’s an easy-to-access better alternative, some prefer their rut

A castle with a moat Research Brief / Investing

The Moat That Keeps Complex Asset Strategies Profitable

Andrea Eisfeldt finds that hedge funds with infrastructure to execute sophisticated arbitrage crowd out less-expert investors

Woman with headphones stands in crosswalk Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

The Connective Pull of Headphones

We literally feel closer to someone we’re hearing via headphones

Person looking at a computer screen Research Brief / E-commerce

That Online Hotel Review You Wrote? It Matters

Consumers’ comments on TripAdvisor are substitutes for traditional ad spending

An illustration of four figures carrying a large syringe while reading texts about vaccine availability Research Brief / COVID-19

Texting Our Way Closer to Herd Immunity

A simple message with a behavioral nudge boosts vaccination rate

An illustration of a woman pulling a suitcase as she walks toward her ride share. Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Surge Pricing’s Benefits Go to a Subset of Ride-Hailing Drivers

Full-timers gain the least, part-time drivers the most

A view of a petrochemical plant at night Research Brief / Competition

Sunk Costs Work as Barrier to Exit

Firms endure losses in hopes of a turnaround

Three female engineers Feature / Strategy

STEM Careers: Accelerating Women’s Progress

How to build confidence with recognition incentives