Banks close neighborhood outlets and raise prices for branch-delivered services
Are older inventors weighed down by obsolete knowledge? Young inventors don’t carry that burden
A model for cities to boost ridership, without snarling car traffic
Queuing models aren’t simple but offer big potential service improvements
Withholding renewal of a supply agreement can be more powerful than other carrots and sticks
Reduce fares in adjacent areas to draw more drivers to where demand is high
The risk for matching platforms is affected by levels of fees and what’s disclosed about buyer and seller
Technology and mobile finance needed as nanostores’ compete against online behemoths
Digital identity used in nearly every realm of life
How 934 workers around the globe regard their labor; it doesn’t have to be this way
Some data shows competing against the platform can help sellers, if not consumers
19th-century French cotton mills suggest halting, uneven progress
Chris Tang’s research suggests a two-step pricing strategy can maximize sales and profits
If one company bundles products, its competitors are always better off not bundling; the thing to avoid is a head-to-head competition wherein the only way to get an edge is by cutting prices
Do bigger companies win even when they lose out on corrupt deals?
Measuring the utility of increased care and testing, inputs that aren’t always immediately available