On anime sites, what one’s friends are watching is the most persuasive prompt to engage
Researchers find common warning signs in persuasion projects that went wrong
Using parish records, researchers examine fundamental changes in society following the French Revolution
A team of researchers weighs contingent planning against traditional time management
New research looks beyond attitudes toward specific executives accused of harassment to focus on people’s perceptions of corporatewide gender culture.
A study looks at how changes in FDA labeling affect pediatric utilization of drugs
Revisiting research on Catholic clergy sex abuse: Pennsylvania can expect fewer churchgoers and a painful decline in charitable contributions
Study of a large corporation explores how salary comparisons affect employee behavior
The same message that works with U.S. households is effective in the developing world
Hengchen Dai finds that hitting the reset button can help those who have recently struggled, but erodes the motivation and execution of top performers
Consciously imagining our older self can spur us to take better care of ourselves now
Research shows that people have a sincere desire to see projects take flight
Valentin Haddad’s research looks at the phenomenon of “information aversion,” when individual investors stop tracking their portfolios for fear of bad news
Stuart Gabriel’s research shows how a vibrant economic hub loses essential residents
Chris Tang’s research suggests a two-step pricing strategy can maximize sales and profits
The Fed’s gambit didn’t trigger a home-price recovery, but research shows it reduced subprime foreclosure risk