Content Type: Research Brief

A woman poses in front of a store Research Brief / Diversity

Viewing Multiracial People as Resilient, Rather than Burdened

Revisiting decades of research, scholars find a theory of psychological strength emerges

Illustration of a convertible car Research Brief / Time Management

Vacation Mindset: How Weekends Can Be More Refreshing

Researchers told subjects to treat their weekend like a vacation, then gauged happiness on Monday

Hands of businesswoman on computer laptop on sofa in home. with a search bar overlaid on the image. Research Brief / Finance

Using Google Trends To Detect Revenue Misreporting

It’s public and free and could help auditors

Collage of women forming a larger image of a woman Research Brief / Cultural History

Using Ancestral Characteristics to Study Modern Economics

A database of pre-industrial sampling supports historical and ethnographic research

Illustration of a man cooking books in a pot Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Upside Earnings Surprise Issued Late: Signal of Possible Manipulation

Companies that take longer than expected to announce results may be buying time for accounting tricks

A photo of a merge sign Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Unvarnished Merger Talk: Will This Deal Help Us Raise Prices?

Customer loyalty, barriers to entry and other factors at play

Vintage desktop calendar isolated on a white background. Research Brief / Bond Market

Unintended Consequence of Stale Corporate Bond Fund Prices Amid Fed Tightening

In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?

Cars parked the side of a street Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Uber-Like Services: Variable Driver-Company Revenue Split Improves Profit

A second lever, after “surge” pricing, adjusts the supply of drivers

Clean operating room Research Brief / Health Care

Two-Tier Pricing: Reducing Risk for ACOs and Specialist Practices

Higher prices for the first few procedures, followed by a volume discount, may help balance risks and rewards

Two jigsaw puzzle pieces held together by staples. Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Two Tech Giants — and Two Very Different Acquisition Strategies

Alphabet’s M&A feeds its core business; Amazon’s more likely to push into new areas

A Tweet that lists the earnings of Abbott Laboratories. Research Brief / Stock Returns

Tweets with Visuals Bring a 2% Stock-Price Boost — Temporarily

SEC encourages graphics in disclosures, but this practice may help executives more than shareholders

Research Brief / Advertising

TV Ads are Cheaper for Advertisers with Seniority

T-Mobile’s $22.1 million disadvantage to AT&T; Arby’s pays more than Burger King

A cube of hundred dollar bills wrapped in a blue bow Research Brief / Productivity

Trying Out Bonus-Pay Theory on Unsupervised, Low-Skill Tasks

Incentives boost output, but benefits level off at a fairly low point

Rows of gantry cranes at a harbor on a hazy day Research Brief / Supply Chain

Trump’s Tariffs Did, In Fact, Hurt U.S. Importers

Companies with Chinese suppliers suffered — those with more diversified supply chains suffered more

Research Brief / Investing

Treasury Securities Are Actually Cheap Sometimes

They don’t trade at an absolute equal to intrinsic value, despite their image as the world’s investment bedrock

An illustration of the word trademark etched on a gear Research Brief / Innovation

Tracking Product Trademarks Expands Understanding of Innovation

R&D outlays and patents alone don’t effectively measure corporate creativity