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Man buying jeans Research Brief / E-commerce

Retailing Cross-Platform Win: A Pop-Up Store Boosts Online Sales

Alibaba finds a fresh twist on an old-school store is an effective marketing tool

Person in an ICU Research Brief / Health Care

Research: Patients Spent 15 Hours Longer than Necessary in the ICU

Delaying transfers to other inpatient hospital rooms limits availability of costly beds

Doctor reading through paperwork Feature / Nudges

Replicating a Successful Nudge in Health Care: Advice for Skeptics

How it often goes wrong and key observations for effective strategies

Black pencil with white eraser removing a written mistake on a piece of paper. Research Brief / Gender

Removing Words With Gender Bias in Job Ads: More Diverse Applicants

Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions

A beige curtain separates three people in a voting booth shown from below the knee to their feet Research Brief / Politics

Reimbursing Candidate Campaign Contributions Makes Elections More Competitive

Incumbents in France are reelected less often when all candidates can be repaid for personal outlays

Dimly lit empty manufacturing facility Research Brief / Recession

Recession Recoveries Take Longer as Manufacturing Fades

Should stimulus be targeted toward displaced workers, rather than across the economy?

Autonomous trucks on the road Feature / Technology

Rapid Change Is Coming to the Service Sector

Technology and “industrialization” are reshaping services as they did manufacturing

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Aug 2020 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Then on to Our Zoom Lecture

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Nov 2020 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Then Impress Your Friends With These Factoids

Fake Amazon reviews, cultural norms around gender, and stocks held in Robinhood accounts

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Jan 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Stuff You Might Know

Academic medical centers, French elections and Chinese garment workers

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Mar 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — No Penalty for Guessing

How investors react to volatility, the marshmallow test reconsidered and the role of gender in some career advice

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Feb 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Easier than the GMAT

Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more

Suburban neighborhood under construction Research Brief / Real Estate

Quantitative Easing Kept the Foreclosure Crisis from Being Even Worse

The Fed’s gambit didn’t trigger a home-price recovery, but research shows it reduced subprime foreclosure risk

Research Brief / Competition

Quantifying the Benefits of Legally Cooperating with Competitors

Sales forecasting improves markedly as firms participate in standard setting organizations

Two males looking at a computer screen Research Brief / Leadership

Quantifying Team Leadership Approaches: To Do, or to Direct Others?

In a field often ruled by personality, a rational model is proposed

Foreign pharmacy Research Brief / Retail

Quality and Price: National Pharmacy Chains Benefit Consumers in India

Independent drug stores improve to meet the competition