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Covid-19 vaccine vials in a row macro close-up. Research Brief / COVID-19

Should the U.S. Aim for a Zero-COVID-19 Policy?

Tolerating a low level of transmission just might be the better strategy

Aerial view of Newport Beach California with ocean and waterways. Research Brief / Taxes

Should Part-Time Californians, Avoiding the State’s Income Levy, Pay More in Property Tax?

As it stands, they’re free-riding, in effect subsidized by full-time resident taxpayers

Two individuals working in a factory assembly line Research Brief / Manufacturing

Should Manufacturers Use Formal Procedures to Evaluate Alternative Materials?

Methods that weight efficacy, toxicity and cost improve understanding but provide no easy answers

Laptop computer with Transparent Pricing presentation Research Brief / Strategy

Should a Company Reveal Its Cost Structure to Customers?

In certain competitive situations, cost transparency can provide an edge

A female surgeon looks to two nurses as a male surgeon continues to work on a patient's foot. Research Brief / Gender Gap

Shorter Workweek Could Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced

A woman with a lantern Research Brief / Supply Chain

Shining a Light on the Development Supply Chain

Field researchers constructed a model to subsidize essential goods for low-income communities in crisis, and profit in recovery

A door left ajar revealing a well-lit furnished living room Research Question / Economy

Sharing Economy Platforms: Who Gets the Value Created?

Airbnb hosts seem to prosper more than Uber drivers

Silhouette of female smoker Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Shaming Smokers Actually Increases Their Urge to Light Up

Being stigmatized by stereotype feeds anxiety and depletes self-control

Illustration of eyes looking at a computer screen Research Brief / Taxes

Shaming of Tax Delinquents Works

34,334 letters were sent to test how sensitive those owing back taxes are to neighbors’ knowledge of the debts

Marijuana dispensary Feature / Taxes

Setting the Tax Rate on Legal Marijuana: Consumption, State Revenue and the Black Market

Taxes not high enough? An examination of Washington’s experience even suggests state ownership of pot stores might boost the public coffers

Two blue cartoon characters unravel a scribble knot black thread Research Brief / Markets

Separating Auditing from Consulting: More Complex than it Seems

Market concentration, price and quality drive choice of firms

Payday Loan office facade Research Brief / Debt

Sensitivity to Debt Type Predicts Financial Health

Research reveals that those wary of payday loans tend to manage their finances better

Aerial view of Chicago from the south. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

Segregation Compounds the Effects of Poverty

In Northern cities, railroad tracks that defined Black neighborhoods remain boundaries against economic mobility

An individual sits with their head resting on their hand while they look at their computer Research Brief / E-commerce

Search Fatigue: Online Shoppers Grow Weary, Take a Break

A shopping session may unfold over a period of weeks, not minutes 

People on electric scooters Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Scooter Recharging: Should Companies Offer Customers Carrot or Stick?

Operating costs decline when riders get free rentals for docking dying electric vehicles

Diverse group of high school students having a discussion Research Brief / Diversity

Schooling Alongside Minorities Reduces White Students’ Tendency to Vote Republican

One system’s end to busing offers data on integration’s impact on future partisanship