Hengchen Dai finds that hitting the reset button can help those who have recently struggled, but erodes the motivation and execution of top performers
Consciously imagining our older self can spur us to take better care of ourselves now
Research shows that people have a sincere desire to see projects take flight
Valentin Haddad’s research looks at the phenomenon of “information aversion,” when individual investors stop tracking their portfolios for fear of bad news
Stuart Gabriel’s research shows how a vibrant economic hub loses essential residents
Chris Tang’s research suggests a two-step pricing strategy can maximize sales and profits
The Fed’s gambit didn’t trigger a home-price recovery, but research shows it reduced subprime foreclosure risk
Valentin Haddad’s research finds that insurers’ patient investing shields risky assets — and those who hold them — from steeper declines
Rakesh Sarin creates a model that shows consumer “ambiguity” about product quality should drive marketing and brand management strategy
The narrative of a growing cultural divide, while partly true, conceals a more nuanced picture
A database of pre-industrial sampling supports historical and ethnographic research
Nico Voigtländer found that to combat arbitrary taxes and corruption, merchants persuaded the king to cede control
Tyler Muir finds that neither war nor deep recession darkens investor sentiment like sudden turmoil in the financial system
Sebastian Edwards finds Keynes’ public take-down of Roosevelt’s gold policies still relevant today
A novel framework proposes to reduce angst over schedules and lives
Andrea Eisfeldt finds that hedge funds with infrastructure to execute sophisticated arbitrage crowd out less-expert investors