Ads aimed at brand awareness are shown to be more effective
Studying 1 million Alibaba users, Hengchen Dai mostly confirms the transactional nature of internet retailing
On anime sites, what one’s friends are watching is the most persuasive prompt to engage
Buyers value team over individual effort but are sensitive to invention-by-committee
Fandom doesn’t mean blindly following a franchise wherever it ventures or being a vocal cheerleader
Consumers’ comments on TripAdvisor are substitutes for traditional ad spending
If there are only six left, I guess I won’t be buying a dozen
Exposure to discounts makes people impatient
In an election year, that’s bad news for organizations like the American Red Cross
Complexity and a failure to boost platform revenue were culprits
Phony posts are largely very short-term campaigns
Practitioners often ignore decades of progress in understanding what works
A shopping session may unfold over a period of weeks, not minutes
Ad agencies’ 15% fee lasted 100 years longer than it might have
T-Mobile’s $22.1 million disadvantage to AT&T; Arby’s pays more than Burger King