Topic: Forecasting

Ebola tent Research Brief / Health Care

When Ebola Strikes, Where Should Help Go?

Improving epidemic forecasting helps response teams target aid more effectively

Aerial shot of an industrial district Forecast / Technology

Tech Sector Propels California’s Economy Faster than the Nation’s

New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely

Loaded cargo ship docked Forecast / International Trade

Some Unfortunate Truths about Trade

The troublesome relationship between tariffs, trade deficits and the tenuous economic recovery

A brick home with solar panels on the roof Forecast / Sustainability

Solar Calculators Are Precise, But Data Don’t Always Persuade

A separate motivator: friends living in areas abundant in solar panels

Research Brief / Competition

Quantifying the Benefits of Legally Cooperating with Competitors

Sales forecasting improves markedly as firms participate in standard setting organizations

Small town in Colorado with red light on main street downtown and first national bank. Research Brief / Recession

Local Banks Provide an Early Warning System on Recessions

When they’re forced to pay up for deposits, it’s a bad sign for area’s economy

Person walking by a train with Uber logo Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Is Uber the Answer to Public Transit’s Last-Mile Problem?

And if so, who’s going to pay?

A view of a white house on stilts on a beach shore Feature / Global Warming

Is the $1 Trillion Coastal Housing Market a Future Financial Crisis?

Homebuyers ignore warnings of rising seas; lenders keep lending

Illustration of a head with blinders Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

How People Gather Information — or Don’t — to Make Decisions

Personal beliefs, especially among the less educated, often outweigh actual data

A collage of faces in white frames on a light green background Research Brief / Investing

How a Stock Analyst’s Face Affects Their Earning Estimates

Trustworthy and dominant-seeming men: access to corporate management. Dominant-seeming women: not so much.

Aerial view of marathon city runners. One person leading marathon. Research Brief / Forecasting

Experts Struggle to Accurately Forecast Societal Change

On COVID-19’s impacts, social scientists’ predictions weren’t much better than those of laypeople

Shelf of food and television Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

Examining the Difference Between Quality and Taste in Consumer Preferences

Laptops and TVs are based on quality, fast food and soda on taste; but some buyers defy these models, and it’s an opportunity for marketers

Haitian citizens take 100-pound bags of rice at an aid distribution point in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Research Brief / Operations

Distributing Aid Fairly Amid Scarcity and Unknown Demand

Building adaptability into an approach improves performance

California Housing Market Forecast / Housing

As Home Prices Soar Elsewhere, California Starts to Seem Almost Reasonable

Will the narrowing price gap bring an end to the state’s out-migration?

Various fast food restaurant signs along a road Research Brief / Minimum Wage

A $15 Minimum Wage May Have (Partially) Arrived, But Who Pays?

Study of L.A.-area restaurants gauges effect on owners, customers, landlords

A man dressed in pink dress shirt and tie pointing at himself in the mirror Research Brief / Finance

“How’re Sales, Roger?” “Good Question, Roger!”

When CEO and analyst share a first name, earnings estimates are sharper