Topic: Government

A group of children in uniform reading from small red books Research Brief / Government

Why Some Dictators Build Schools — and Others Don’t

Compulsory education ‘homogenizes’ population, can stave off democracy

Senior woman talks with a female doctor in the doctor's office. Research Brief / Health Care

When Medicare Pays, Drug Companies Employ Older Subjects in Clinical Trials

The shift lends credibility to medicines vs. trials that exclude people 65 and older

Monochrome photo of people standing in line for bread Research Brief / Banking

What Makes a True Financial Crisis?

Data back to 1870 show similarities in the worst banking system shocks — focusing on loose lending before a meltdown

Emma Gonzalez speaking a podium for a March For Our Lives event Research Brief / Politics

The Odd History of Gun Legislation Following Mass Shootings

GOP legislatures often made firearm laws looser after infamous events

Monochrome picture of people disembarking a ship Feature / Politics

The Long-Term Political Influence of Immigrants

Europeans brought an appreciation of social welfare programs that still resonates

Bird's eye view of a suburb Research Brief / Housing

The Housing Meltdown Would Have Been Far Worse Without California’s Anti-Foreclosure Laws

Restraining lenders saved hundreds of billions in home value

Aerial shot of a port Forecast / International Trade

The Dollar: That Other Trade Problem

A strong currency makes U.S. exports harder to sell, even outside of China

A cartoon image of someone being handed money from several different hands Research Brief / Startups

State Tax Credits for Angel Investors Backfire

Good ideas may be scarce, capital to fund them is not

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Oct 2020 Quiz

Snap Quiz — This Is for Extra Credit

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

Aerial view of Newport Beach California with ocean and waterways. Research Brief / Taxes

Should Part-Time Californians, Avoiding the State’s Income Levy, Pay More in Property Tax?

As it stands, they’re free-riding, in effect subsidized by full-time resident taxpayers

Marijuana dispensary Feature / Taxes

Setting the Tax Rate on Legal Marijuana: Consumption, State Revenue and the Black Market

Taxes not high enough? An examination of Washington’s experience even suggests state ownership of pot stores might boost the public coffers

A beige curtain separates three people in a voting booth shown from below the knee to their feet Research Brief / Politics

Reimbursing Candidate Campaign Contributions Makes Elections More Competitive

Incumbents in France are reelected less often when all candidates can be repaid for personal outlays

A farm on the prairie with one side dry Research Brief / Public Policy

Ownership Structure of Tribal Land Exacts a Multibillion-Dollar Penalty

Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it

TV News anchor Research Brief / Politics

Municipal Pension Crisis Made Worse by Democrats in Close Elections

Sixty years of data suggest retirement obligations rise after Democrats scrape into office

People with luggage Research Brief / Economy

Modern Monetary Theory: Fiasco in Latin America, Option in U.S.?

The populist model, embraced by some on the American left, resembles policy that helped torpedo some smaller economies

Politicians looking at a report Feature / Government

Might More Lobbying Groups, Rather than Fewer, Be Good for Industry and the Public?

Make the influence industry more competitive, a theoretical study suggests